Friday, January 27, 2012

Know What's on the Agenda Before Going to Town Council Meetings

Here is the link for the Agenda for Town Council Meetings. You can check it over the weekend to find out what is up for discussion, vote, etc prior to the meeting. These agendas have more information than the packet that is given prior to the meeting. Also, knowing what's up for discussion beforehand gives you the opportunity to make a public comment. Get there a few minutes early to sign up to let you opinion be heard!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Harrison's Redevelopment Bond Crisis

A glimpse of Bloomfield's future.

Public Private Parternships only look good on paper.

The redevelopment in Harrison is going to cost the taxpayers.

Arnold Diaz Adds Bloomfield to His "Hall of Shame."

Townhip Engineer Paul Lasek makes mistake and blames Bloomfield resident.


Water Alert - 6 Months Later!

Earlier this week the township posted a notification about the drinking water in Bloomfield.

For complete information on the drinking water situation, go to the township website:

The problem is that this occurred in the 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2011 - 6 months prior to the town being alerted.

Only when Baristanet reported about it did they town decide to let residents know of the situation.
Why weren't we informed as soon as this happened?
Is this a blatant disregard for the safety of Bloomfield residents?

It makes you wonder.

Contact the Town Engineer and question him on why he didn't feel it was necessary to alert residents of the drinking water situation.
Paul D. Lasek, P.E.
Township Engineer
1 Municipal Plaza
Bloomfield, NJ 07002

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Redevelopment Projects

There are now three redevelopment projects going. 

Two of them have been given some form of tax abatement and one is being done by a private company.

It will be interesting to see how quickly a private company using private funds takes to complete their project, as compared to that of Bloomfield, whose projects are taxpayer subsidized and are a public private partnership.

So far, the Bloomfield Center project has taken over 10 years to break ground to the cost of $20 million in bonded debt, with not one building constructed to show for all that money.  The bonded debt is a gift from the current administration to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as they will be stuck having to pay for it.

The Bloomfield Center project will bring an additional 240 housing units.  The Oaks Pond development, with its 30 year tax abatement, will bring in 248 housing units and the Parkway Lofts 361 loft style apartments.

All this new housing while there are over 340 homes for sale in Bloomfield and rental availability of at least 94 apartments and 74 homes in foreclosure.

The two tax abated projects will greatly increase the demand on our already stretched services.  Not to mention what happens with the additional amount of kids attending our schools.  Since they live in properties that have been given a tax abatement, the only fair conclusion is that property taxes are going to go up even more to pay for more kids attending our schools.  The property owners won't be contributing, but Bloomfield residents will have to pay for these children to go to school.

Sounds fair to you, doesn't it?